Saturday, September 09, 2006

my first blog

Welcome to all.

This is my first blog and it is dedicated to my Godchildren.

There are four of you - Joshua, Andrea and Aurielle and Emersen. (Well, there is actually one more called Zac - a two year old. By the time he becomes a teenager, I will be communicating to him through our e-mail connected handphones.....)

All four of you are teenagers - a great age. Since I have so little time to talk to you physically, and because all three of you are of the net generation, I thought I would simply blog you my thoughts so that we stay in touch.

This blog is meant to help me as much as it will hopefully help you. It allows me to share with you my reflections, and hopefully prompt you to think about and form opinions of little things in life.

To all other readers, you are welcome too :)


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