Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wisdom of Children (II)

John, 7, is at a stage in his childhood where he has no problems. In fact, he is so problem free that he wants to solve other people's problems. He listens to adult conversations and offers his views. His solutions are simple and straight forward. To Grandpa's moaning that he has not enough money, he looks him straight in the eye and says, "find a job and stop smoking". To a friend who complained that he was bored, he suggested to him to go play a sport, and yes, spend more time with his kids. And what is the problem in decision making? When he is faced with a decision that is finely balanced, he clenches his two hands, rushes to the family dog, and then ask the dog to choose one hand to lick. Depending on which one he licks, the decision is made. And then if he is kinda of disappointed at the outcome, he knows that he really prefers the other option. And he goes for that. So simple.

PS : John objects to this blog because he says that he does have problems. Just the other day, he had a big problem. He forgot to do his homework and had to show a really remorseful face to this teacher. He thought he was going to be punished. But given that he has a sort of angelic face, he once again, got off, scot free.