Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wisdom of Children - Career Choices

John, age 8, is now thinking hard about what he wants to be in the future.

On a Jetstar flight, he told his mother that he was not happy with many things. He opined that if he owned an airline, he would make things different.

First, he would always serve the best food on board his flight. This would keep people very happy. Second, he would ensure that seats would not only be able to recline, but could also retract - ie move backwards like in a car - so that everyone could be more comfortable. Lastly, he would charge everyone $100 - a flat fee. His mother asked how he would make money if he charged so little. Well, he said, without batting an eyelid, "the flights would always be full". Watch out Jetstar, Airline John is coming.

At a dinner in Indonesia, John admitted to me that he liked travelling. He was thinking of a job that would entitle him to travel. He thought maybe he could become a photographer. It would allow him to travel everywhere for assignments, become "famous" and make money. But most importantly, it would allow him to make enough money to buy and raise a dog - a Golden Retriever. And yes, he would name him Pluto. That would make him happy. Yup, he forgot about the Lego toy, and the PSP cartridge.)

Now will he photographer John take Pluto as he travels round the world on his photo shoots? Or will I be left holding the dog?.


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