Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Searching for the Solution to Running a Marathon

I ran the Standard Chartered Marathon on the 3rd of December, three days after my birthday. The marathon started as a challenge. It has evolved into something to motivate myself to keep fit.

Now it is a little of an addiction.

Completing the marathon is no longer an issue for me. [This race was my fourth completed marathon. ] I now want to figure out how people condition their bodies to keep them moving at pace for about 3-5 hours. And since everyone is different, you need to figure out what your body needs to do.

I have now run the marathon in many different styles. Last year, I ran slow, but non-stop, from start to finish - absolutely no walking. 4 hrs :59 min. This year, I decided to run fast at the start and see if I could sustain this. I broke a personal achievement record for the fastest 30km I have ever run in my life. I crossed the 30km mark at 3 hrs and 1 min.

But this year, at the 32 km mark, things started to fall apart. My muscles tightened and gripped; and I simply could not run, even though I wanted so badly to. So I limped home in a run walk manner. In spite of this, I crossed the line in 4 hrs 44 min and 19 sec. I need more mileage I figure.

Thank to those that ran with me, Daniel, Ben and Kok Cheong.

I need another marathon soon to break 4 hrs 30 mins!

And remember about leaning forward? Well my son did the 700m dash and he was so proud. Enjoy!


Blogger NKC said...

The recent marathon was a humbling experience for me. I did my first after my A Levels ages ago. This was my second. You probably don't believe this but I did it to overcome my fear I developed after my first and prove to myself that I can do it. I am ok with 1/2 marathon but the full marathon is a major challenge for me.

I was lucky. I did not have enough mileage but my calf and thigh muscles started to fail only at the 32km mark. I walked and ran to the finish line after that. The joy at the end was unforgetable. What had carried me through must be the company [thanks], support from the log tm and the race atmosphere. Thank you.

I want to do it again. I think with a better understanding of how I can cope, ample training plus technology [good shoes, energy drinks, power gel, etc.], I can do a bit better.

Stanchart Marathon 2007!

8:06 AM  
Blogger BT said...

You are kidding. You of all people are more than equipped to run! Love to see you at 2007.

5:22 AM  

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