Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

John has decided that he is now old enough to make new year resolutions. However, he was clever enough on New Year's Day to take advantage of my vulnerability and suggest what he thought was a good new year resolution to improve myself.

He told me that I needed to be kinder to him. He said that when I got angry with him, I usually become very fierce and could be quite "hurtful". He offered the example of a few nights ago, when I was asleep in bed, and when he karate kicked my head. He said that it was an accident, but when I woke up, I was very angry with him even though he had said sorry. He said that I should learn to forgive. So he said that he would help me in the new year. If I ever treated him badly again, he said that he would tell me. This was so that he could help me become a better person.

And so it is. I have to treat John better this year.


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