Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

Merry Christmas to you all! The year end is always a great time and it is nice to reflect on God's many graces. Thank God for all the blessings that he has bestowed on you and your family. I thank God for the blessings he has bestowed on me during a great 2006.

The new year promises new things. Auriel will be going to a new school after PSLE, and Joshua, Andrea and Emerson will rejoin your friends. Joshua, I know that you are doing great in rugby, and Andrea in netball. Keep a good balance in your lives. Enter the year with a resolution to develop yourself in one area - preferably something not related to school work. Something that will make you a nicer person and connect with the people that really matter to you.

Me? As I am not in school, I get to do one academic thing. I will strive to further improve my Chinese. On the connection side, I will learn to rock with my kids. I intend to learn to play the guitar properly. Hopefully they will prefer jamming with me than with their drum teacher.

I will also be starting a new blog. You can find it at It is really for adults. For the younger lot of you, this will remain the place to be. For the older more adventurous lot (Andrea and Joshua), you may want to occasionally go there :).

Merry Christmas!


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