Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Poll to Determine the Most Delicious Food in the World

Indridewi - a colleague of mine - posted this link on her facebook page. It came with a health warning. "Don't think FAT". For best effect, read it only when hungry.

This was from a global Facebook poll. I found myself accusing this list of biases and a lack of breadth. So I will create my own list. This will comprise an instant response to the question : "Name me your top three favourite food". The instant response part is important, for it identifies the food that triggers that Pavlovian response when your brain is short of sugar. (Chocolate or Maple Syrup does not do that!) And I will allow three answers. So boring if it is one.

I will do this with two country audiences. So, deep breath. My instant answer to the above question without hesitation and health considerations are:


NASI RAWON. For the uninitiated, this beef type stew dish may look dodgy, but it is very yummy. To get the full effect, you have to add the condiments including a healthy scoop of hot green chilli. I am hooked. I was invited once to try Nasi Rawon Satan in Surabaya. It is still on my to do list.

PEMPEK KAPAL SALAM. Pempek originates from Palembang and it is best eaten in the kapal salam version (submarine), freshly fried, and with the spicy sauce. The best pempek kapal salam is not in Palembang, but in Jakarta - along Jalan Casablanca - "Pempek A Bing". Permanent queue, but that shows how good it is.

SOTO AYAM SELAN. This is without doubt, the best Soto Ayam in the world. While I was eating this in Semarang, I kept thinking that the correct thing to do was to buy the franchise from the owner and open shops everywhere. Try restraining yourself to one bowl. The chicken broth has a taste that is not easy to replicate. Superb.


CHILLI CRAB I have lived away from Singapore to know that this is the nation's most well known and champion dish. Everyone wants to try this in Singapore.

MEE SIAM I am not Peranakan, but there is something about the Peranakan version of Mee Siam that is just perfect. Does help that I love rice vermicelli. My Dad actually makes one of the best Mee Siam's.

KWAY CHUP I taught my sister to eat this when she was young, and she is my best company when it comes to devouring this. If you don't know what it is, leave it that way. Right mix of saltiness and sweetness is important.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let me know what your responses are.

HEALTH WARNING - All the above are not for people looking for weight loss or cholesterol reduction.


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