Monday, January 01, 2007

"Happiness" to all of you in the New Year

A very Happy New Year to you all. Thank you Joshua and Andrea for the new year greetings! For the new year, I wish you things that money cannot buy - good health and especially, happiness.

Happiness is ultimately what all of us seek. The latest issue of The Economist attempts to explain why a country that is doing well in economic terms may not actually make its citizens happier.

Firstly, things that once were luxuries become necessities. Frills become essentials and not all can have these items. My example : today, every teenager has a cell phone. Those who cannot afford one can feel deprived and embarassed - even though none of them are actually worse off than when I was a teenager. So they strive doubly hard to get a cell phone.

Secondly, we all desire the finest things. But for the finest things to remain fine, they must by definition be limited in supply. My example, a place in RI, a home in District 10 etc. These are what are called positional goods. The value of these goods are not derived from what they offer per se - there must equally nice places to stay outside District 10. But District 10 is desired because it contributes to status. So, even though HDB flats are probably better than houses of yesteryear, the people may actually not feel happier because it is seen as a low status house.

But if you think about the article carefully, it comes back to the obvious truth : the accumulation of material things can never make anyone truly happy. Because you never know how much is enough.

All religions address this issue. Gautama Buddha's solution to this connundrum of happiness is to eliminate all desires as desires are the root of suffering. The Christian message in contrast is different. It is to search for happiness in the right areas - in the spiritual realm, and in your relationship with your fellow man.

What makes us truly happy is to be loved, respected and appreciated by your fellow man. I can think of no better gift. So truly touch the lives of the people around you. After all, we are known by our friends.

Have a great year ahead.


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