Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

New Years give a once-in-year calendar occasion to rid yourself of the old and bring in the new. We normally do this by making New Year resolutions. A public declaration of this, or in Bridget Jones's case, writing these down in a diary helps for it keeps the person committed. I generally do keep my resolutions.

Like Bridget, I make my resolutions on New Year's eve. Bridget Jones decided to lose weight (always on my list), smoke and drink less (no need for this), and be less needy (well, she was single). My resolutions involve a tougher fitness program, something that I feel I need to do to become a better person, and several things that I really want to do for myself before I miss the chance to do them altogether.

I challenged my boys to come out with their list.

Matt wanted to read more non-fiction books and to rid himself of some childish habits. Glenn wanted to be more polite (like Windsor - a friend he recently met) and sporty. For John, it was to stop burping in public, to not ever be angry at anyone, and to quit putting his feet on the chair at the dinner table.

Have a great new year and good luck with your resolutions!


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