Saturday, May 02, 2009

Searching for the Solution to Running the Marathon Part 2

I write this blog three years on, and another three marathons later. In 2007, I ran my fastest ever marathon 4 hours 21 minutes, breaking the 4 hours 30 minutes target I had set myself in 2006. I did two marathons in Taiwan with minimal training. The Taipei Marathon I did in 4 hours 48minutes. So yes, I have figured out the solution to running a marathon and make a decent time.

There are just two things to focus on : prevent cramp, and to run not jog.

For a beginner, my suggestion is to focus on the first. To prevent cramps, your muscles have to be used to running long distances. So there is no escape. Mileage in training is the key. The more miles you clock, the better. At the peak, three weeks before the marathon, you should be clocking about 70km in a week, split in three days. If you can do this, you will finish the marathon without a cramp. Guaranteed. Of course, drink regularly during the race and take isotonic drinks or salt. But mileage is king.

The second is to run and not jog. And yes, the run-walk technique is way superior to the jog-all-the-way technique. Of course, if you can, do the run-all-the-way technique. But remember, my blog is for a first time amateur runner. So trust me, when you take a break, you run a lot faster than if you attempt to jog all the way. So walk. Walk 500m at every 10km mark. After the 25km mark, walk every 3 km. This is to get past "the wall" - which hits you anytime around the 27km-35km mark. Once you are past it, you can run all the way. Believe me, accept this advice and you will finish way better!



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